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Black Business Alliance Membership and Committee


Each member of the Black Business Alliance is expected to serve on a Committee. This is not only a great opportunity to work with other professionals, but an actual opportunity to learn new skills and develop new areas of expertise. BBA Committees are made up of between three to five people and meet regularly to discuss and report and make recommendations to the membership about potential activities or projects for the BBA. Standing committees are listed below but from time to time ad hoc committees may be established to address a particular problem or opportunity.

The committees are responsible for creating and organizing activities pertaining to their focus area. Each committee chooses its own leadership. Although committee members are expected to contribute efforts to the activities, any event or activity, approved by the membership, will be the responsibility of the entire membership, and labor will be divided accordingly.

BBA committees provide members the opportunity to experience successes directly related to the effort they invest. Committee work includes:

• Group work with a shared sense of purpose
• Developing leadership skills
• Participation in collective responsibility
• Planning and organizing skills
• Practicing accountability
• Designing meaningful evaluation tools

All members are invited to serve on a committee. Standing Committees are:

1. Education Committee--- Plan seminars and develop presentation topics
2. Membership Committee--- Invite and recruit new members and plan networking opportunities
3. Fund Raising Committee--- Recommend a yearly calendar of activity options
4. Internet and Social Media Committee--- Update and maintain website and social media home pages
5. WXRJ Radio Station Committee--- Organize WXRJ community activities – recruit volunteers



Membership Has Its Privileges

For your annual membership fee of $275, you will receive:

              • One mention of your BBA membership on WXRJ
              • 10% off future sponsorships for the year
              • 10% off ad space on the BBA web site
              • Special offer on a logo/banner on with a link to your web site.

As a BBA Member, you save over 50% on these services (Certain Restrictions Apply.) Offers good once per year with a paid BBA membership, and renewable as long s you are a BBA member.

For more information, please contact

              • WXRJ FM at (309) 662-4198
              • The BBA at (309) 530-7758


© Black Business Alliance, Inc. All Rights Reserved | P.O. Box 5861, Bloomington, IL 61702  |  309.530.7758  | Stanley Fleming Sr.